FARRP Research Publications
2017 - 2024

Anaya Y, Rosario Martinez R, Goodman R, Johnson P, Vajpeyi S, Lu X, Peterson R, Weyers S, Breen B, Newsham K, Scottoline B, Clark A, Malinczak C. 2024. Evaluation of the potential food allergy risks of human lactoferrin expressed in Komagataella phaaffii. Front Immunol. 15: 1380028.
Downs M and Chen S. 2024. Development of a mass spectrometry-based method for quantification of total cashew protein in roasting oil. J AOAC Intl 107(3): 443-452.
Goodman R. 2024. Twenty-eight years of GM food and feed without harm: why not accept them? GM Crops Food. 15(1): 40-50.
Koppelman S, de Jong G, Marsh J, Johnson P, Dowell E, Perusko M, Westphal A, van Hage M, Baumert J, Apostolovic D. 2024. Novel post-translationally cleaved Ara h 2 proteoforms: purification, characterization and IgE-binding properties. Intl J Biol Macromol. 264: 130613.
Marsh J, Johnson P, Baumert J, Koppelman S. 2024. Peanut lectin: Why it is not a peanut allergen. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 133(2): 224-5.
McFarland C, Alkotaini B, Cowen C, Edwards M, Grein E, Hahn A, Jennings J, Patnaik R, Potter S, Rael L, Sharkey B, Taylor S, Totman R, Van Simaeys K, Vo P, Zhao D, Connors D. 2024. Discovery, expression, and in silico safety evaluations of honey truffle sweetener, a sweet protein derived from Mattirolomyces terfeziodes and produced by heterologous expression in Komagataella phaffii. J Ag Food Chem. 72(35): 19470-19479.
Nordlee J, Baumert J, Taylor S. 2024. Preparation of blinded food matrixes for clinical oral challenge. In B Cabanillas (Ed.), Food Allergens: Methods and Protocols (pp. 143-157). New York: Humana.
Ramachandran B and Downs M. 2024. Development and validation of a targeted mass spectrometry method for the quantification of milk protein allergens in multiple complex food matrices using matrix-dependent calibration. Food Cont 162: 110444.
Scaife K, Taylor S, Parenicova L, Goodman R, Vo T, Leune E, Abdelmoteleb M, Dommels Y. 2024. In silico evaluation of the potential allergenicity of a fungal biomass from Rhizomucor pusillus for use as a novel food ingredient. Reg Toxicol Pharmacol 150: 105629.
Schaible A, Kabourek J, Elverson W, Venter C, Cox A, Groetch M. 2024. Precautionary allergen labeling: avoidance for all? Curr Allergy Asthma Rep. 24: 81-94.
Taylor S and Baumert J. 2024. HARP-C for food allergen control. Food Qual Saf. 30(6): 14-18.
Anagnostou K, Beauregard A, Elverson W, Kabourek J, Sampson H. 2023. Food allergens and avoidance. C Venter, M Groetch , J James, S Sicherer (Eds.), In Health Professional’s Guide to Nutrition Management of Food Allergies. Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.
Jansen F, van Norren K, Baumert J, van den Bos A, Jacobs J, Koppelman S. 2023. Peanut allergen Ara h 6 is detectable in blood transfusion products. Clin Transl. Allergy 13(11).
La Vieille S, Hourihane J O’B, Baumert JL. 2023. Precautionary allergen labeling: what advice is available for health care professionals, allergists, and allergic consumers?. J Allergy Clin Immunol: In Pract. 11(4):977-985.
Murbach T, Glavits R, Jayasena S, Moghadam Maragheh N, Endres J, Hirka G, Goodman R, Vertesi A, Beres E, Pasics Szakonyine I. 2023. Toxicology and digestibility of Chlamydomonas debaryana green algal biomass. J Appl Toxicol 43(7): 993-1012.
Sztuk T, Rigby N, Norskov-Nielsen L, Koppelman S, Sancho AI, Knudsen N, Marsh J, Johnson P, Gupta S, Mackie A, Larsen J, Bogh K. 2023. Dose and route of administration determine the efficacy of prophylactic immunotherapy for peanut allergy in a Brown Norway rat model. Front Immunol. 14:1-13.
Updated 8 November, 2024
Amnuaycheewa P, Niemann L, Goodman RE, Baumert JL, Taylor SL. 2022. Challenges in gluten analysis: a comparison of four commercial sandwich ELISA kits. Foods, 11(5): 706. https://doi.org/10.3390/foods11050706.
Burger T, Singh I, Mayfield C, Baumert J, Zhang Y. 2022. Comparison of physicochemical and emulsifying properties of commercial pea protein powders. J Sci. Food Agric, 102(6): 2506-2514.
Downs M, McClure B, Jayasena S, Ramachandran B, Krawitzky M, Ribeiro T, Wallace J, Tallman S, Mortola B. 2022. Development and interlaboratory evaluation of an LC-MS/MS method for the quantification of lysozyme in wine across independent instrument platforms. Journal AOAC Intl, 105(2): 433-441.
Jonaitis T, Lewis E, Lourens N, Groot A, Goodman RE, Mitchell D, Karpol A, Tracy B. 2022. Subchronic feeding, allergenicity, and genotoxicity safety evaluations of single strain bacterial protein. Food Chem. Toxicol, Feb 20;162:112878.
Krager J, Baumert JL, Downs ML. 2022. Quantification of soy-derived ingredients in model bread and frankfurter matrices with an optimized liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry external standard calibration workflow. J Food Prot, 85(2):311-322.
Miller TA, Koppelman SJ, Bird JA, Hernandez-Trujillo V, Thyagarajan A, Mack D, Chalil JM, Green TD, Baumert JL. 2022. Peanut cross-contamination in randomly selected baked goods. Annals Allergy, Asthma Immunol, 128(4):439-442.
Murbach TS, Glavits R, Moghadam Maragheh N, Endres JR, Hirka G, Goodman RE, Lu G, Vertesi A, Beres E, Pasics Szakonyine I. 2022. Evaluation of the genotoxic potential of protoporphyrin IX and the safety of a protoporphyrin IX-rich algal biomass. J Applied Toxicol, 1-23. https://doi.org/10.1002/jat.4293
Remington B, Baumert J, Blom W, Bucchini L, Buck N, Crevel R, De Mooij F, Flanagan S, Hindley J, Javed B, Stavropoulou D. 2022. Allergen quantitative risk assessment within food operations: concepts towards development of a practical guidance based on an ILSI Europe workshop. Food Control, 138:108917.
Skypala I, Jeimy S, Brucker H, Nayak A, Decuyper I, Bernstein J, Connors L, Kanani A, Klimek L, Lo S, Murphy K, Nanda A, Poole J, Walusiak-Skorupa J, Sussman G, Zeiger J, Goodman RE, Ellis A, Silvers W, Ebo D. 2022. Cannabis-related allergies: an international overview and consensus recommendations. Allergy, 77(7): 2038-252. https://doi.org10.1111/all.15237
Turner P, Patel N, Ballmer-Weber BK, Baumert J, Blom WM, Brooke-Taylor S, Brough H, Campbell D, Chen H, Chinthrajah RS, Crevel R, Dubois A, Ebisawa M, Elizur A, Gerdts J, Gowland MH, Houben G, Hourihane J, Knulst A, La Vieille S, Lopez MC. Mills ENC, Polenta G, Purington N, Said M, Sampson H, Schnadt S, Södergren E, Taylor S, Remington B. 2022. Peanut can be used as a reference allergen for hazard characterization in food allergen risk management: a rapid evidence assessment and meta-analysis. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunololgy: In Practice, 10(1):59-70.
Abdelmoteleb M, Zhang C, Furey B, Kozubal M, Griffiths H, Champeaud M, Goodman RE. 2021. Evaluating potential risks of food allergy of novel food sources based on comparison of proteins predicted from genomes and compared to www.AllergenOnline.org. Food Chem. Toxicol. 147:111888
Apostolovic D, Marsh JT, Baumert JL, Taylor SL, Westphal A, de Jongh H, Johnson P, de Jong GAH, Koppelman SJ. 2021. Purification and initial characterization of Ara h 7, a peanut allergen from the 2S albumin protein family. J. Agric. Food Chem. 69(22):6318-6329.
Cao, W., Baumert, J.L., Downs, M.L. 2021. Tracking gluten throughout brewing using N-terminal labeling mass spectrometry. J Proteome Res. https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.jproteome.1c00076
Chen, S., Yang, C., Downs, M. 2021. Targeted mass spectrometry quantification of total soy protein residues from commercially processed ingredients for food allergen management. J Proteomics, 239, 104194. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jprot.2021.104194.
Chu DK, Baumert JL, Taylor SL, Nordlee JA, Nham T, Bramson J, La Vieille S, Abbott MA, Spill P, Marrin A, Jordana M, Waserman S. 2021. Peanut allergen reaction thresholds during controlled food challenges in 2 Canadian randomized studies (Canada-ARM1 and PISCES). Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In Practice, 9(6):2524-2526e. doi.org/10.1016/j.jaip.2021.02.009
Durban R, Groetch M, Meyer R, Collins SC, Elverson W, Friebert A, Kabourek J, Marchand SM, McWilliam V, Netting M, Skpala I, Van Brennan T, Vassilopoulou E, Vlieg-Boerstra B, Venter C. 2021. Dietary Management of Food Allergy. Immunol Allergy Clin N Am. 41. 233-270. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.iac.2021.01.009
Goodman, Rick. 2021. Pan African Food Security and Food Safety Issues. OpenAccessGovernment. https://www.openaccessgovernment.org/category/ebooks/
Koppelman SJ, Lardizabal AL, Niemann L, Baumert JL, Taylor SL. 2021. Development of a sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for detection and quantitation of clam residues in food products. Biomed. Res. Int. 2021 Mar 19; 2021:6685575. doi:10.1155/2021/6685575.
Liang J, Taylor SL, Baumert JL, Lopata AL, Lee NA. 2021. Effects of thermal treatment on the immunoreactivity and quantification of parvalbumin from Southern hemisphere fish species with two anti-parvalbumin antibodies. Food Control, 121:107675. doi.org/10.1016/j.foodcont.2020.107675
Meima MY., Remington BC., Blom WM., Baumert JL., Taylor, SL., Jeffery B., Rober, MC., Houben, GF., Lucas Luijckx NB. 2021. Methods to determine the risk of unintended allergen presence related to the dispersion of allergenic food particles in food production area. Food Control. 124: 107850. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodcont.2020.107850
Patel N, Adelman DC, Anagnostou K, Baumert JL, Blom WM, Campbell DE, Chinthrajah RS, Mills ENC, Javed B, Purington N, Remington BC, Sampson HA, Smith AD, Yarham RAR, Turner PJ. 2021. Using data from food challenges to inform management of consumers with food allergy: A systematic review with individual participant data meta-analysis. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. 147(6):2249-2262.e7. doi.org/10.1016/j.jaci.2021.01.025
Platt-Mills TA., Hilger C., Jappe U., van Hage M., Gademaier G., Spillner E., Lidholm J., Keshavarz B., Aalberse RC., van Ree R., Goodman RE., Pomes A. 2021. Carbohydrate epitopes currently recognized as targets for IgE antibodies. Allergy. 2021.76, 2383-2394. DOI: 10.1111/all.14802
Ramadan S., Marsh J., El-Sherbeny G. A., El-Halawany E. F., Luan F., Baumert J. L., Johnson P., Osman Y., Goodman R. E. 2021. Purification of soybean cupins and comparison of IgE binding with peanut allergens in a population of allergic subjects. Food Chem. Toxicol. Jan: 147:111866.
Remington B.C., Westerhout J., Dubois A. E. J., Blom W. M., Kruizinga A. G., Taylor S. L., Houben G. F., Baumert J. L. 2021. Suitability of low-dose, open food challenge data to supplement double-blind, placebo-controlled data in generation of food allergen threshold dose distributions. Clin. Exp. Allergy 51(1): 151-154.
Taylor SL, Houben GF, Blom WM, Westerhout J, Remington BC, Crevel RWR, Brooke-Taylor S, Baumert JL. 2021. The population threshold for soy as an allergenic food – Why did the reference dose decrease in VITAL 3.0?. Trends in Food Sci. Technol. 112: 99-108.
Taylor SL, Marsh JT, Koppelman SJ, Kabourek JL, Johnson PE, Baumert JL. 2021. A perspective on pea allergy and pea allergens. Trends in Food Sci. Technol. 116: 186-198.
Turner PJ, d’Art YM, Duca B, Chastell SA, Marco-Martin G, Vera-Berrios RN, Alvarez O, Bazire R, Rodriguez Del Rio P, Vasquez-Ortiz M, Baumert JL, van Ree R, Mills CEN, Fernandez-Rivas M, Hourihane JO. 2021. Single-dose oral challenges to validate eliciting doses in children with cow’s milk allergy. Pediatr. Allergy Immunol.; 32(5): 1056-1065.
Wheeler M.W., Westerhout J., Baumert J. L., Remington B. C. 2021. Bayesian stacked parametric survival with frailty components and interval-censored failure times: an application to food allergy risk. Risk Anal. 41(1): 56-66.
Yigit S, Hallaj NS, Sugarman JL, Chong LC, Roman SE, Abu-Taleb LM, Goodman RE, Johnson PE, Behrens AM 2021. Evaluating the Safety and Potential Risks of Food Allergy of Silk Fibroin Derived from Bombyx mori Cocoons. Food. Chem. Tox. 151, 112-117. 10.20944/preprints202010.0483.v1
Updated 11 June, 2024
Cao W., J. Baumert, M. Downs. 2020. Compositional and immunogenic evaluation of fractionated wheat beers using mass spectrometry. Food Chem. 2020 Dec 15;333: doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2020.127379. Epub 2020 Jul 5. PMID: 32653678.
Cao W., J. Baumert, M. Downs. 2020. Evaluation of N-terminal labeling mass spectrometry for characterization of partially hydrolyzed gluten proteins. J. Proteomics. doi: 10.1016/j.jprot.2019.103538 Epub 2019 Oct.
de Jongh H., G. de Jong, D. Apostolovic, S. Taylor, J. Baumert, S. Koppelman. 2020. Effect of heat treatment on the conformational stability of intact and cleaved forms of the peanut allergen Ara h 6 in relation to its IgE-binding potency. Food Chem. May 11:127027.
Goodman R. E., M. Chapman, J. Slater. 2020. The allergen: sources, extracts, and molecules for diagnosis of allergic disease. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. In Pract.; 8: 2506-2514.
Houben G. F., J. L. Baumert, W. M. Blom, A. G. Kruizinga, M. Y. Meima, B. C. Remington, M. W. Wheeler, J. Westerhout, S. L. Taylor. 2020. Full range of population eliciting dose values for 14 priority allergenic foods and recommendations for use in risk characterization. Food Chem Toxicol. Dec; 146:111831. doi: 10.1016/j.fct.2020.111831
Koppelman S.,M. Witteveen, L. Janssen Duijghuijsen, J.Baumert, R. Witkamp, K. van Norren. 2020. Detection of peanut allergens in serum: circumventing the inhibitory effect of immunoglobulins. Allergy; 75(7): 1835-1836.
Madsen C. B., M. van den Dungen, S. Cochrane, G. Houben, R. Knibb, A. Knulst, S. Ronsmans, R. Yarham, S. Schnadt, P. Turner, J. Baumert. 2020. Can we define a level of protection for allergic consumers that everyone can accept? Reg. Tox. Pharm. Aug 5:104751
Marsh J., S. Jayasena, F. Gaskin, J. Baumert, P. Johnson. 2020. Thermal processing of peanut impacts detection by current analytical techniques. Food Chem. doi: 10.1016.j.foodchem.2019.126019 Epub 2019 Dec 26.
Marsteller N., R. Goodman, K. Andoh-Kumi, F. Luan, K. L. Bogh, J. Baumert. 2020. Evaluating the potential allergenicity of dietary proteins using model strong to non-allergenic proteins in germ-free mice. Food Chem. Tox. May 11:111398.
Palmer L., J. T. Marsh, J. Baumert, P. Johnson. 2020. Persistence of peanut allergen-derived peptides throughout excessive dry thermal processing. LWT. July 20:109903.
Palmer L., J. T. Marsh, M. Lu, R. E. Goodman, M. G. Zeece, P. E. Johnson. 2020. Shellfish tropomyosin IgE cross-reactivity differs among edible insect species. Mol. Nutr. Food Res. Apr; 64(8): e1900923. doi:10.1002/mnfr.201900923.
Remington B. and J. Baumert. 2020. Risk reduction in peanut immunotherapy. Immunol. Allergy Clin. North America 40: 187-200.
Remington B., J. Westerhout, M. Meima, W. Blom, A. Kruizinga, M. Wheeler, S. Taylor, G. Houben, J. Baumert. Updated population minimal eliciting dose distributions for use in risk assessment of 14 priority food allergens. Food Chem. Tox. March 13:111259.
Birot S., A. Crepet, B. C. Remington, C. B. Madsen, A. G. Kruizinga, J. L. Baumert, P. B. Brockhoff. 2019. Frequentist and Bayesian approaches for food allergen risk assessment: risk outcome and uncertainty comparisons. Sci. Rep. 9(1): 18206.
Blom W., B. C. Remington, J. L. Baumert, L. Bucchini, A. Crepet, R. Crevel, C. B. Madsen, S. L. Taylor, G. F. Houben. 2019. Sensitivity analysis to derive a food consumption point estimate for deterministic food allergy risk assessment. Food Chem. Tox. 125: 413-21.
Chan S., A. Pomes, C. Hilger, J. Davies, G. Mueller, A. Kuehn, A. Lopata, G. Gadermaier, M. van Hage, M. Raulf, R. Goodman. 2019. Keeping allergen names clear and defined. Front. Immunol. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2019.02600. eCollection 2019.
Chen S., C. T. Yang, M. L. Downs. 2019. Detection of six commercially processed soy ingredients in an incurred food matrix using parallel reaction monitoring. J. Proteome Res. 18: 995-1005.
DunnGalvin A., G. Roberts, L. Regent, M. Austin, F. Kenna, S. Schnadt, A. Sanchez-Sanz, P. Hernandez, B Hjorth, M. Fernandez-Rivas; S. Taylor, J. Baumert, A. Sheikh, S. Astley, R. Crevel, C. Mills. 2019. Understanding how consumers with food allergies make decisions based on precautionary labelling. Clin. Exp. Allergy 49: 1446-1454.
DunnGalvin A., G. Roberts, S. Schnadt, S. Astley, M. Austin, W. M. Blom, J. Baumert, C-H. Chan, R. Crevel, K. E. C. Grimshaw, A. Kruizinga, L. Regent, S. Taylor, M. Walker, E. N. C. Mills. 2019. Evidence-based approaches to the application of precautionary labelling: report from two iFAAM workshops. Clin. Exp. Allergy 49: 1191-1200.
Goodman R., and H. Breiteneder. 2019. The WHO/IUIS allergen nomenclature. Allergy 74: 429-431.
Jayasena S., S. J. Koppelman, B. Nayak, S. L. Taylor, J. L. Baumert. 2019. Comparison of recovery and immunochemical detection of peanut proteins from differentially roasted peanut flour using ELISA. Food Chem. 292: 32-38.
Jayasena S., S. K. Wijeratne, S. L. Taylor, J. L. Baumert. 2019. Improved extraction of peanut residues from a wheat flour matrix for immunochemical detection. Food Chem. 278: 832-40.
Johnson P., M. Downs. 2019. From signal to analytical reporting for allergen detection by mass spectrometry. J. AOAC Intl. 102: 1255-62.
Kleine-Tebbe, J., R. Hamilton. R. Goodman. 2019. Cockroach allergens: coping with challenging complexity. J. Allergy. Clin. Immunol. 143(4): 1342-1344.
Westerhout J., J. Baumert, W. M. Blom, K. Allen, B. Ballmer-Weber, R. Crevel, A. Dubois, M. Fernandez-Rivas, M. Greenhawt, J. Hourihane, J, Koplin, A. Kruizinga, T. Le, H. Sampson, W. Shreffler, P. Turner, S. Taylor, G. Houben, B. Remington. 2019. Deriving individual threshold doses from clinical food challenge data for population risk assessment of food allergens. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 144: 1290-1309.
Updated 3 January, 2024
Allen K. J. and S. L. Taylor. The consequences of precautionary allergen labeling: safe haven or unjustifiable burden? 2018. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. In Pract. 6: 400-07.
Baumert, J. L., S. L. Taylor, S. J. Koppelman. 2018. Quantitative assessment of the safety benefits associated with increasing clinical peanut thresholds through immunotherapy. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. In Pract. 6: 457-465.
Boison J., L. Allred, D. Almy, L. Anderson, J. Baumert, S. Bhandari, A. Cebolla, Y. Chen, E. Crowley, C. Diaz-Amigo, H. Doi, C. Don, M. Downs, N. Dubiel, B. Dyer, L. Emerson, M. Farrow, R. Fritz, C. Galera, E. Garber, S. Godefroy, T. Grace, R. Hochegger, K. Johnson, P. Kasturi, T. Koerner, M. Lacorn, F. Massong, P. Meinhardt, T. Mui, M. O' Meara, S-J. Pan, B. Popping, M. Prinster, E. Quesada, S. Radcliffe, K. Scherf, G. Sharma, M. Shoji, M. Stoughton, L. Sweeney, J. Szpylka, S. Taylor, S. Tittlemier, C. Torger, P. Wehling, J. Yeung, J. Zweigenbaum. 2018. Standard Method Performance Requirements (SMPRs®) 2017.021: quantitation of wheat, rye, and barley gluten in oats. J. AOAC Intl. 101: 1238-42.
de Jong, G. A. H., S. Jayasena, P. Johnson, J. Marsh, D. Apostolovic, M. van Hage, J. Nordlee, J. Baumert, S. L. Taylor, C. Roucairol, H. de Jongh, S. J. Koppelman. 2018. Purification and characterization of naturally occurring post-translationally cleaved Ara h 6, an allergen that contributes substantially to the allergenic potency of peanut. J. Agric. Food Chem. 66: 10855-10863.
Delaney, B., R. E. Goodman, G. S. Ladics. 2018. Food and feed safety of genetically engineered food crops. Toxicol. Sci. 162: 361-371.
Downs, M. L. and P. Johnson. 2018. Target selection strategies for LC-MS/MS food allergen methods. J. AOAC Intl. 101: 146-51.
DunnGalvin, A., L. Polloni, J. LeBovidge, A. Muraro, M. Greenhawt, S. Taylor, J. Baumert, W. Burks, A. Trace, G. DunnGalvin, L. Forristal, L. McGrath, J. White, M. Vasquez, K. Allen, A. Sheikh, J. Hourihane, M. Tang. 2018. Preliminary development of the Food Allergy Coping and Emotions Questionnaires for Children, Adolescents, and Young People: Qualitative analysis of data on IgE-mediated food allergy from five countries. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. In Pract. 6: 506-13.
Hall, F., P. E. Johnson, A. Liceaga. 2018. Effect of enzymatic hydrolysis on bioactive properties and allergenicity of cricket (Gryllodes sigillatus) protein. Food Chem. 262: 39-47.
Jin, Y., X. He, K. Andoh-Kumi, R. Z. Fraser, R. E. Goodman. 2018. Evaluating potential risks of food allergy and toxicity of soy leghemoglobin expressed in Pichia pastoris. Mol. Nutr. Food Res. 62: 1700297.
Koppelman, S. J., M. Smits, M. Tomassen, G. de Jong, J. Baumert, S. Taylor, R. Witkamp, R. Veldman, R. Pieters, H. Wichers. 2018. Release of major peanut allergens from their matrix under various pH and simulated saliva conditions - Ara h 2 and Ara h 6 are readily bio-accessible. Nutrients 10: 1281.
Lu, M., Y. Jin, B. Ballmer-Weber, R. E. Goodman. 2018. A comparative study of human IgE binding to proteins of a genetically modified (GM) soybean and six non-GM soybeans grown in multiple locations. Food Chem. Tox. 112: 216-23.
Lu, M., Y. Jin, R. Cerny, B. Ballmer-Weber, R. E. Goodman. 2018. Combining 2-DE immunoblots and mass spectrometry to identify putative soybean. (Glycine max) allergens. Food Chem. Tox. 116: 207-15.
Pomes, A., J. M. Davies, G. Gadermaier, C. Hilger, T. Holzhauser, J. Lidholmm, A. L. Lopata, G. A. Mueller, A. Nandy, C. Radauer, S. K. Chan, U. Jappe, J. Kleine-Tebbe, W. R. Thomas, M. D. Chapman, M. van Hage, R. van Ree, S. Vieths, M. Raulf, R. E. Goodman. 2018. WHO/IUIS allergen nomenclature: providing a common language. Mol. Immunol. 100: 3-13.
Rafiq, M., A. Hussain, K. Shah, Q. Saeed, M. Sial, Z. Ali, F. Buck, R. E. Goodman, B. Khaliq, U. Ishaq, M. Baig, A. Munawar, S. Mahmood, A. Akrem. 2018. Computational modeling and functional characterization of a GgChi: a class III chitinase from corms of Gladiolus grandiflorus. Kaohsiung J. Med. Sci. 34: 673-83.
Sayers, R. L., L. A. Gethings, V. Lee, A. Balasundaram, P. E. Johnson, J. A. Marsh, A. Wallace, H. Brown, A. Rogers, J. I. Langridge, E. N. C. Mills. Microfluidic separation coupled to mass spectrometry for quantification of peanut allergens in a complex food matrix. J. Proteome Res. 17: 647-55.
Sheehan, W. J., S. L. Taylor, W. Phipatanakul, H. A. Brough. 2018. Environmental food exposure: what is the risk of clinical reactivity from cross-contact and what is the risk of sensitization. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. In Pract. 6: 1825-32.
Shreffler, W. G., J. L. Baumert, B. C. Remington, S. J. Koppelman, C. Dinakar, D. M. Fleischer, E. Kim, S. A. Tilles, J. M. Spergel. 2018. The importance of reducing risk in peanut allergy: current and future therapies. Ann. Allergy Asthma Immunol. 120: 124-27.
Spiric, J., S. J. Koppelman, A. Knulst, J. A. Nordlee, S. L. Taylor, J. L. Baumert. 2018. In vitro digestion and characterisation of 2S albumin and digestion-resistant peptides in pecan. Intl. J. Food Sci. Technol. 53: 1566-78.
Taylor, S. L., J. A. Nordlee, S. Jayasena, J. L. Baumert. 2018. Evaluation of a handheld gluten detection device. J. Food Prot. 81: 1723-28.
Blankestijn, M. A., B. C. Remington, G. F. Houben, J. L. Baumert, A. C. Knulst, W. M. Blom, R. Klemans, S. L. Taylor. 2017. Threshold dose distribution in walnut allergy. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. In Pract. 5: 376-380.
Blankestijn, M. A., W. M. Blom, H. G. Otten, J. L. Baumert, S. L. Taylor, C. A. F. M. Bruijnzeel-Koomen, G. F. Houben, A. C. Knulst, R. J. Klemans. 2017. Specific IgE to Jug r 1 has no additional value compared with extract-based testing in diagnosing walnut allergy in adults. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 139: 688-90.
Gupta, R. S., S. L. Taylor, J. L. Baumert, L. M. Kao, E. Schuster, B. M. Smith. 2017. Economic factors impacting food allergen management: perspectives from the food industry. J. Food Prot. 80: 1719-1725.
Hourihane, J. O'B., K. J. Allen, W. G. Shreffler, G. Dunn-Galvin, J. A. Nordlee, G. Zurzolo, A. Dunn-Galvin, L. C. Gurrin, J. L. Baumert, S. L. Taylor. 2017. Peanut Allergen Threshold Study (PATS): novel single-dose oral food challenge study to validate eliciting doses in children with peanut allergy. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 139: 1583-1590.
Ivens, K. O., J. L. Baumert, R. L. Hutkins, S. L. Taylor. 2017. Effect of proteolysis during cheddar cheese aging on the detection of milk protein residues by ELISA. J. Dairy Sci. 100: 1629-1639.
Ivens, K. O., J. L. Baumert, R. L. Hutkins, S. L. Taylor. 2017. The effect of different methods of fermentation on the detection of milk protein residues in retail cheese by Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA). J. Food Sci. 82: 2752-2758.
Janssen Duijghuijsen, L. M., H. J. Wichers, K. van Norren, J. Keijer, J. L. Baumert, G. A. H. de Jong, R. F. Witkamp, S. J. Koppelman. 2017. Detection of peanut allergen in human blood after consumption of peanuts is skewed by endogenous immunoglobulins. J. Immunol. Methods 440: 52-57.
Jin, Y., R. E. Goodman, A. O. Tetteh, M. Lu, L. Tripathi. 2017. Bioinformatics analysis to assess potential risks of allergenicity and toxicity of HRAP and PFLP proteins in genetically modified bananas resistant to Xanthomonas wilt disease. Food Chem. Tox. 109: 81-89.
Liang J., C. C. Tan, S. L. Taylor, J. L. Baumert, A. L. Lopata, N. A. Lee. 2017. Quantitative analysis of species specificity of two anti-parvalbumin antibodies for detecting southern hemisphere fish species demonstrating strong phylogenetic association. Food Chem. 237: 588-596.
Marchisotto, M. J., L. Harada, O. Kamdar, B. M. Smith, S. Waserman, S. Sicherer, K. Allen, A. Muraro, S. Taylor, R. S. Gupta. 2017. Food allergen labeling and purchasing habits in the United States and Canada. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. In Pract. 5: 345-351.e2.
Taylor, S. L., J. L. Baumert, S. M. Boudreau-Romano. 2017. Allergic reaction from fingerprint kit attributable to unlabeled gluten, probably wheat flour. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. In Pract. 5: 479-481.
Updated 3 January, 2024
Book Chapters
Book Chapters
Downs, M., P. Johnson, M. Zeece. 2016. Insects and their connection to food allergy. In: Insects as sustainable food ingredients. Production, processing, and food applications, ed. A. T. Dossey, J. A. Morales-Ramos, M. G. Rojas, Elsevier, UK, pp. 255-272.
Baumert, J. L. and D. H. Tran. 2015. Lateral flow devices for detecting allergens in food. In: Handbook of Food Allergen Detection and Control, ed. S. Flanagan, Woodhead Publishing, UK, pp. 219-228.
Taylor, S. L., B. C. Remington, R. Panda, R. E. Goodman, J. L. Baumert. 2015. Detection and control of soybeans as a food allergen. In: Handbook of Food Allergen Detection and Control, ed. S. Flanagan, Woodhead Publishing, UK, pp. 341-366.
Bush, R. K. and S. L. Taylor. 2014. Reactions to food and drug additives. In: Middleton's Allergy Principles and Practice, 8th ed., ed. N. F. Adkinson, B. S. Bochner, S. T. Holgate, R. F. Lemanske, W. Burks, W. W. Busse, and R. E. O' Hehir, Mosby, St. Louis, vol. 2, pp. 1340-1356.
Taylor, S. L. 2009. Gluten-free ingredients. In: The Science of Gluten-Free Foods and Beverages, ed. E. K. Arendt and F. Dal Bello, American Assoc. of Cereal Chemists International, St. Paul, MN, pp. 83-87.
Updated 3 January, 2024