11th Food Allergens Methodologies Workshop
Re-scheduling to be determined

If you have any questions please contact Pat Gergen at farrp@unl.edu
Workshop Description
The Bureau of Chemical Safety in Health Canada's Food Directorate and the Food Allergy Research and Resource Program (FARRP) are sponsoring the Eleventh Food Allergens Methodologies Workshop to take place TBD.
As a follow-up to the 2018 workshop organized by Health Canada and FARRP, the Eleventh Food Allergens Methodologies Workshop aims at increasing consultation, information exchange, and harmonization in the area of food allergens and analytical methods for food allergens.
The Eleventh Food Allergens Methodologies Workshop aims at gathering scientists, chemists, analysts and other representatives from government agencies, university, industry and consumer associations, to discuss issues related to detection, identification, characterization, and control of allergen residues in foods.
Various topics to be discussed:
- Consumer Impacts of Food Allergies
- Novel Foods and Allergenicity
- Updates on Mass Spectrometry & ELISA Approaches for Allergen Analysis
- Food Allergen Risk Assessment & Risk Management
- Food Allergies - Codex, Sanitation, Labeling & Consumer Response
Poster Session - TBD
You must register to be able to enter your Poster Abstract online. Once you are registered you will receive a reference code (i.e. 6XJ-KXO-457) in your Registration Confirmation Email. Use the reference code and the following link Poster Abstract Submission to setup your Poster Abstract account. Please choose from the available Poster Abstract categories for your submission. Poster Abstracts are limited to 2500 characters, excluding Poster Short Name which is limited to 50 characters and the Presentation Title which should list full name of abstract. Poster Abstracts are due TBD. If you have any questions, please contact Pat Gergen at farrp@unl.edu.
- Industry and other representatives (full workshop)
- Government, Educational and Consumer group representatives (full workshop)
Registration fee is not refundable unless the workshop is filled or cancelled. No refunds will be given if your attendance is not possible (substitutions are acceptable with prior notice).
For additional information contact:
Pat Gergen, FARRP
University of Nebraska
Phone: +1 402.472.5302
E-mail: farrp@unl.edu