Membership Information
Some of FARRP Member benefits include:
- Discounted Analytical Services
- Priority Lab Access
- Helping Establish Research Priorities
- Database Searches

Detecting the presence of undeclared food allergens and avoiding allergen cross-contact are among the food processing industry's greatest challenges. The presence of unlabeled allergens in food products can lead to serious health, legal and financial complications. Undeclared allergenic foods are a major source of food product recalls.
The Food Allergy Research & Resource Program (FARRP) at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln is helping the food industry address this challenge in many ways.
As a FARRP member your company can get on the inside track - and take advantage of FARRP research and resources to help avoid the problems that allergenic foods can create in your food processing operation.
FARRP membership is open to food processors, food manufacturers, ingredient manufacturers, equipment manufacturers, suppliers of analytical test kits for allergen residue detection, and other companies directly supplying products to the food processing industry.
Because of our desire to be tightly focused on the food processing sector, FARRP membership is not allowed for retail grocery companies, restaurants, other food retailers, agricultural biotechnology companies, industry trade associations, 501c(3) non-profit organizations, consultants/consulting groups, or individuals. However, FARRP is willing to assist such groups, organizations, and individuals on issues related to food allergies and sensitivities.
FARRP's primary goal is to help the food industry address one of its most daunting challenges. Your support and involvement can help accelerate progress - and provide immeasurable benefits to your company.
Ready to Join?
Please email:
Dr. Joe Baumert,
FARRP Director at
to begin the
application process.
Specific questions about membership, please contact:
Dr. Joe Baumert, FARRP Director
Pat Gergen