Philip Johnson
Associate Professor Food Science & Technology University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Address
FIC 1901 N 21st St Rm 266
Lincoln NE 68588-6205 - Phone
Dr. Johnson's research focuses on the application of mass spectrometry and protein chemistry techniques to the study of food allergens and allergy. Although the primary focus of the Johnson lab is detection of allergens in foods, he also maintains an interest in the characterization of food allergens for use in clinical environments. Research objectives include:
- Development of MS methodology for the detection and quantification of food allergens.
- Application of untargeted screening MS approaches to food safety, especially allergens.
- Identification of novel food allergens by novel MS-based approaches.
- Characterization of allergen preparations for clinical use.
Education- B.Sc. Molecular Biology and Biochemistry, Durham University, UK
- Ph.D. Biochemistry,John Innes Centre / University of East Anglia, UK
Dr. Johnson's research focuses on the application of mass spectrometry and protein chemistry techniques to the study of food allergens and allergy. Although the primary focus of the Johnson lab is detection of allergens in foods, he also maintains an interest in the characterization of food allergens for use in clinical environments. Research objectives include :
• Development of MS methodology for the detection and quantification of food allergens
• Application of untargeted screening MS approaches to food safety, especially allergens.
• Identification of novel food allergens by novel MS-based approaches.
• Characterization of allergen preparations for clinical use.
Teaching and/or Extension Activities
- Teaching: Food Proteins
- Extension: Food allergen management (through participation in the Food Allergy Research & Resource Program)
- Simpson A, Lazic N, Belgrave DCM, Johnson P, Bishop C, Mills C, Custovic A. 2015. Patterns of IgE responses to multiple allergen components and clinical symptoms at age 11 years. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. (in press).
- Kroghsbo S, Rigby NM, Johnson PE, Adel-Patient K, Bøgh KL, Salt LJ, Mills ENC (2014) Assessment of the Sensitizing Potential of Processed Peanut Proteins in Brown Norway Rats: Roasting Does Not Enhance Allergenicity. PLoS ONE 9(5): e96475.
- Johnson PE, Rigby NM, Dainty JR, Mackie AR, Immer U, Rogers A, Titchener P, Shoji M, Ryan A, Mata L, Brown H, Holzhauser T, Dumont V, Wykes JA, Walker M, Griffin J, White J, Taylor G, Popping B, Crevel R, Miguel S, Lutter P, Gaskin F, Koerner TB, Clarke D, Sherlock R, Flanagan A, Chan C-H, Mills ENC (2014) A multi-laboratory evaluation of a clinically-validated incurred quality control material for analysis of allergens in food. Food Chemistry 148, 30-36.
- Johnson P, Philo M, Watson A, Mills EN. (2012) Rapid fingerprinting of milk thermal processing history by intact protein mass spectrometry with nondenaturing chromatography. J. Agric. Food Chem 14, 12420-12427.
- Johnson PE, Aldick T, Giosafatto CVL., Watson A, Mills ENC, Baumgartner S, Bessant C, Heick J, Mamone G, O'Connor G, Poms R, Popping B, Reuter A, Ulberth F, Monaci L. (2011) Current perspectives and recommendations for the development of mass spectrometry methods for the determination of allergens in foods. J AOAC Int. 94, 1026-33.