
In-Person Workshops 
2024 Effective Food Allergen Management Workshop
FARRP Food Proteomics Workshop
Food Allergens Methodologies Workshop

Online Training
Food Allergen Fundamentals
Tree Nut Webinar

Phone / Email Consultation

lightbulbs with the words workshop, development, goals, training


2024 Effective Food Allergen Management Workshop

November 19-20, 2024
Big 10 Conference Center
5440 Park Place, Rosemont, IL 60018


For many food processors, food allergens remain among the most challenging food safety concerns to manage, and undeclared food allergens are the most common cause of FDA food recalls. With the implementation of the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA), it is more critical than ever to have well-documented, effective allergen management programs. If you have any questions please contact Pat Gergen at

FARRP Food Proteomics Workshop

June 23-26, 2025 

Registration Open

The goal of this workshop is to provide a holistic view of food proteomics principles, workflows, and data analysis. This 4-day workshop will include hands-on experience with lab procedures, equipment, and data analysis methods. Attending this workshop will be valuable for those with scientific, research, or laboratory roles in the food/ingredient manufacturing and laboratory service sectors.

11th Food Allergens Methodologies Workshop
Re-scheduling to be determined

The Bureau of Chemical Safety in Health Canada's Food Directorate and the Food Allergy Research and Resource Program (FARRP) are planning the Eleventh Food Allergens Methodologies Workshop.

As a follow-up to the 2018 workshop organized by Health Canada and FARRP, the Eleventh Food Allergens Methodologies Workshop aims at increasing consultation, information exchange, and harmonization in the area of food allergens and analytical methods for food allergens.

The Eleventh Food Allergens Methodologies Workshop aims at gathering scientists, chemists, analysts and other representatives from government agencies, university, industry and consumer associations, to discuss issues related to detection, identification, characterization, and control of allergen residues in foods.

Various topics to be discussed:

  • Consumer Impacts of Food Allergies
  • Novel Foods and Allergenicity
  • Updates on Mass Spectrometry & ELISA Approaches for Allergen Analysis
  • Food Allergen Risk Assessment & Risk Management
  • Food Allergies - Codex, Sanitation, Labeling and Consumer Response

If you have any questions please contact Pat Gergen at


Food Allergen Fundamentals

Register Here

Food allergens remain a critical food safety concern for manufacturers throughout the food industry. Developing and implementing effective allergen control plans requires a robust understanding of foundational food allergen concepts. The new FARRP Food Allergen Fundamentals online course is designed both for industry professionals new to a role with food allergen management responsibilities and for those wanting a refresher on core food allergen concepts.

Tree Nut Webinar

Register Here

The "Allergen Control and Safe Nut Processing Practices" is a free webinar that provides an introduction to allergen control tools that can assure prevention of cross-contact of tree nut allergens, practical information about food allergies and how to safely produce non-nut containing foods as well as nut-containing foods. We would like to acknowledge the International Tree Nut Council Nutrition Research and Education Foundation for underwriting this webinar.

For Additional Information Contact:

Pat Gergen
Phone: 402-472-5302

Melanie Downs
Phone: 402-472-5423



FARRP is known for its leadership in allergen awareness, testing and prevention. Let the FARRP experts help your company minimize the risk of allergen cross-contact in your production facility.

FARRP staff will provide troubleshooting to help assess and address clean-up issues and recall problems. Contact FARRP today to discuss consulting services and fees.

For Additional Information Contact:

Joe Baumert
Phone: 402-472-3070

Melanie Downs
Phone: 402-472-5423

Phil Johnson
Phone: 402-472-2278

Components of an Effective Allergen Control Plan

An Allergen Control Plan is about protecting the health and confidence of consumers. But it is also about protecting the financial health and reputation of your company. We hope this document is valuable to you and your team as you create the Allergen Control Plan for your company.

For more information on FARRP’s Allergen Control Plan please see this page: Components of an Effective Allergen Control Plan






Updated 31 January, 2025