Informall is a credible database containing information on allergenic foods of public health importance.

Transitional Web Pages to Informall: The following web pages, which were developed by the Institute of Food Research and FARRP, provide a transition to Informall. Informall is a credible database containing information on allergenic foods of public health importance | more about Informall.
Informall Database Development: The European Union commissioned a project that would promote visible, credible food allergy information sources to a wide variety of stakeholders, including general consumers, the agro-food industry (including primary producers, manufacturers and retailers), allergic consumers, health professionals and regulators. The project brought together clinicians, food chemists, social scientists, allergy patient groups, food manufacturers and retailers from across Europe and the USA. It was funded under the 5th Framework programme of the EU through the Quality of Life and Management of Living Resources Key Action | source.